Manifestation is the practice of attracting your needs and desires to you. The term has become more popular in recent years, but I don't think many people truly understand what it means to manifest. Because truly, it is more than just attracting your wants and desires. Yes, I just said that it means to attract your wants and desires, but in reality, we are manifesting everything in every moment. We may consciously use the tool of manifestation to get what we want, but that is only a fraction of what it actually is.
The truth is, we are all already masters of manifestation. This is because we are always attracting everything to us. The only thing is that most of us aren't aware that we're constantly manifesting everything in our reality. We're all co-creators in this reality of life. Therefore, we can't always put 100% of the blame on ourselves when good or bad things happen to us. However, the more that we take accountability for ourselves and take responsibility for our experiences, the more power we place into our hands when it comes to manifestation.
The power of The Creator(God) is in each and every one of us. Therefore, everything that we think and everything that we say will manifest in some way. This is how we can easily fall victim to our own power if we are unaware of our innate ability as masters of manifestation. I've personally been in plenty of negative cycles where I manifested bad experiences for myself. For example, I don't like where I live. There are many problems with the house and there are things that can easily trigger me into feeling angry, frustrated, or annoyed. By responding to those feelings in a negative way, I am actively reinforcing and giving more power to what triggered me. By doing that, I'm unintentionally manifesting more of what I don't want, simply because I responded negatively to the initial trigger.
Conversely, just today I was faced with another trigger. But this time I caught myself before responding negatively. I started my morning off with a meditation and with the intent of being fully conscious and present in every moment. I carried this intention with me as I went to the kitchen to make a protein shake. I had my heart (and my stomach) set on making some cereal afterwards as well. I then opened the pantry to discover that ants have invaded the cereal. In that moment, I knew I had a choice of how I'd react, and I also reminded myself that how I react in this moment will manifest something else. So I had a choice of what I wanted to manifest from that moment all because I was conscious and aware of myself and my actions and what they could bring about for me. So I chose to remain calm, threw out the cereal box, accepted that it angered me, then chose to use that anger as fuel to manifest a better living situation. And as long as I continue to choose a better living situation, that is exactly what will manifest. As a matter of fact, it is currently in the process of manifesting.
This just goes to show that we are always being tested. The words that we speak to ourselves, the words we speak over others, our thoughts that we have, the thoughts that we perpetuate, and the actions that we take all play into the lives that we are continually manifesting and creating. We are powerful beings. So powerful that reality responds to us and the energy that we emit. And part of the reason why we're living and experiencing life as a human is to truly understand the power that we have. And as always, with great power comes great responsibility. So let's break down some key principles of manifestation so we can be more responsible with our powers.
These key principles of manifestation that I'd like to go over with you are:
Having pure intent
Being willing to put the work in
Being willing to receive
Seeing/Visualizingn- In order for us to manifest anything, we must first see it for ourselves. This can be done purely within the mind, or we can use aids such as vision boards or watching videos of what we desire. If you can see it, then it is in fact real. It doesn't matter if it's a brand new idea that's never been done before. If you can see it in your mind then that means it is possible to achieve.
Having Pure Intent- Your intention is what brings life to what you wish to manifest. Keeping it simple, if your intention is pure from the heart, meaning it comes from a loving place, then your manifestation will be healthy and will have less resistance when in the process of manifesting. If your desire comes from a place of fear, lack, anger etc... then your manifestation will reflect that and will usually come back to bite. So have a pure intention from a loving place.
Being Willing to Put In The Work- This means that your manifestation won't just show up for you. You have to put yourself in a position to receive what you've manifested. Think of it like this: you've placed an order at a restaurant that's 10 miles away. They don't do delivery so you'll have to go pick it up yourself. So you placed the order and for you to receive it, you have to go to the restaurant and get it yourself. They prepared your food and you placed yourself in position to receive it. This is how it works with our manifestations as well. We won't always have to go pick up our food. Sometimes it can be delivered. Or other times, you may have to go get the ingredients yourself and make the food at home in order to get exactly what you want. The same is true for manifestations. Each one is different and will require different efforts from us. But the bottom line is if you put the work in with good faith and pure intent, then you will receive your manifestation.
Being Willing to Receive- This is what usually trips up most people, assuming they've done the work. How often have you manifested something, have the opportunity to receive it, but you decide it's too good to be true? Or maybe someone else deserves it more? Or that you're not actually worthy of it? The last principle I'd like to hit on is the feeling of worthiness in order to receive. This is literally all in the mind. What programming do you have that's causing you to believe you're not worthy of what you've asked for? You don't need to have any external validation or verification that you can have what you want. You've already proven that you're worthy based on the fact that what you desire actually manifested for you. Let me tell you a secret, it wouldn't have happened if you didn't deserve it. So take it. Be willing to take it. It's happening for you for a reason. And the only reason why you wouldn't be deserving of it is if you decide that you're not worthy. And that's just it. It's all up to you. If you believe that you're unworthy, you're correct. If you believe that you're worthy, you're correct. So be worthy and receive it.
So, wrapping this up, we're master manifesters by default. The main thing we have to do is get out of our own way. Yes, keep writing and keep speaking what you want to happen. But more importantly, actually believe and know that you can and will have what you desire. As long as you're manifesting with a pure heart and you're putting the work in with good faith, then you have nothing to worry about. You can expect everything good to flow well for you. Even if you hit rough patches along the way, know that your faith is being tested and you will pass the test (there may be a blog post about faith soon 🤔). But for now, I pray that all things flow well and smoothly for you.
May you be willing to receive everything you've been asking for. Because if you are truly ready to have your desires, they will show up in abundance for you. Keep mastering yourself and live your life to the fullest!
Much love
